Joindre 2 bouts de laine comme le fait le marin au long cours


Une technique pour assembler 2 bouts de laine de manière invisible et très solide. Les marins l’appellent une épissure, les tricoteurs un joint russe.

1. tu as besoin d’une aiguille à laine, de ciseaux
2. forme une boucle avec un fil, enfile l’autre dans l’aiguille
3. pique l’aiguille dans son propre fil, en passant dans la boucle de l’autre fil. Il faut enfiler l’aiguille dans le coeur du fil, au moins toute la longueur de l’aiguille.
4. tire délicatement l’aiguille pour faire passer le fil, coupe le bout qui dépasse, arrange un peu la laine.
5. fais la même chose avec l’autre fil.


(14) Comments Write a comment

  1. Sil vous plait, si posible faire les directions en Englais?


    • A technique for joining two pieces of wool invisibly and very solid. The sailors call a splice, knitters a Russian joint.

      1. you need a yarn needle, scissors

      2. forms a loop with a yarn, put on each other in the needle

      3. pique the needle in its own thread, passing through the loop of the other wire. You need to insert the needle into the heart of the wire, at least the entire length of the needle.

      4. Gently pull the needle for passing the wire, cut the tip protruding, arranges a little wool.

      5. do the same with the other wire.


  2. 1. you need a yarn needle , scissors
    2 form a loop with a thread , put the other in the needle
    3. Insert the needle in its own thread , passing through the loop of the other thread . Must thread the needle in the core of the wire, at least the entire length of the needle.
    4. Gently pull the needle to pass the thread , cut the tip protruding , arranges a little the wool.
    5. do the same with the other thread.


  3. Thank you so much. The loop ended needle, is there a name for it? Do you know where to buy one? Please let me know if possible. Many Thanks Marty


  4. Merci beaucoup pour cette technique que je ne connaissais pas


  5. Such a good Idea. Am just knitting stockings to christmas for my son.
    And just now I want to change the colors. Do not know this little stick with a loop you used. But I think a big needle will do the work too.
    Thank you.


  6. Yes I would also like to know where I can get this loop end needle I live in Cincinnati OH and went to a Michaels store and they didn’t have one please can you help me thks so much


  7. C’est vraiment chouette cette idée… Merci pour le partage !


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